Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Scallops, spinach and white beans.This is a real treat. Add some garlic, oregano, basil, salt and pepper and you have a very tasty meal. You can do it with chicken or shrimp. Low in calories, high in flavor!
That is a pretty big difference! Eat healthy.

                                                    Think this would get us moving!!!!?

Monday, January 28, 2013

I am going to be doing some of these today. What kind of exercise are you doing today?
I think success is measured in five pound increments. They say maintenance is harder than losing the weight. If you gain five pounds after reaching your goal and you take steps
to lose it, that is success.
I have played many times with those five pounds; too many times. I think you should always have five pounds to lose, not that you shouldn’t be satisfied but more to keep in
check because five pounds can lead to ten pounds and before you know it, you are back where you started x amount of pounds ago.
So success is all about five pounds

Wow, who knew bananas did all this for you! I just had one. For those of you that are near a Shop Rite, they are on sale for .49cents lb just thought I would let you know!
I used these today to make a few different dinners. I made eggrolls and burritos-
I made the burritos with turkey chili. I will bake them till they are crisp and put salsa on. For 3, the calories will be about 300. You fold them just like you would the eggroll. It shows you how on the back of the package. Really delish!!!!
Oh the mind! Trying to control that is a real work out!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

all I know is that when I walk OUT of the gym, I am the happiest I will be all day!!!
Don't wait!!! Just try not to do it all at once. It is not an all or nothing proposition. But do start one healthy lifestyle change today! Don't Diet, EDIT!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Intangible successes
Sometime, somewhere, someone once proclaimed, I never said it was going to be easy, I said it would be worth it. and so it has been with the struggles I’ve experienced
with weight loss, keeping unwanted pounds off and maintaining a healthy life style. It hasn’t been easy; dear lord it hasn’t been easy but I must say, it has been worth it. Once
the pounds have been shed, a whole new world view dramatically opens up in so many ways. One of my first experiences with a new found world view, post weight loss was clothes shopping. For years I sought a simple, cute denim jean jacket to wear on those cool summer evenings when a sweater just didn’t make the grade. Being a robust 250 pound girl, it was difficult to find such a jacket. Once I had lost the 93 pounds, new worlds of shopping opportunities opened up to me. I was shopping for the jacket, rifling through racks of what I thought were sizes I should be looking at when a sales lady approached
me and said, “You shouldn’t be looking here, you want the other side of the store, dear.” Now in days gone by, I probably would have been slightly insulted by a salesperson
who was attempting to herd me to the plus size section of the store - the other side of the store. But now, the salesperson was sending me from the plus side of the store
to the under size 18 side of the store - hallowed ground I had heretofore never ventured.
I was never more happy in my life; I was shopping on the other side of the store.

Friday, January 11, 2013

  1. Let's break weight loss down by the month.

    If I were to tell you that you could, in one year, be thirty pounds lighter, would that be something you’d be interested in? I think it might be. Listen: to be thirty pounds lighter in one calendar year, twelve short months, you have to lose .6 pounds a week. That’s six tenths of a pound. Not three pounds. Not two pounds. Not even one pound. It’s a measly six tenths of a pound each week for fifty two weeks. This seems logical but is it? Can we actually lose weight every week? I don't think so. Can we average losing .6 pounds a week over the course of one year? Yes! The entire time I was losing 93 pounds, I never lost EVERY week but I did average .6 pounds per week. So rather than think in increments using weeks as a measurement, let’s try months. Twelve seems much easier than fifty two. Let’s break down each month and see how we can accomplish our goal of an average of .6 pounds per week.
    January: Ah, new year, new beginnings, the traditional month for starting anew. Perfect. The holidays are behind you, you feel refreshed, rejuvenated. You’re inspired by the new year and all it’s challenges. Your inspiration could see you lose a quick five pounds in January. Total cumulative weight loss: five pounds.

    February: The dead of winter; the ubiquitous winter blahs and doldrums. February is the traditional month that sees people give up hope for weight loss so persistence is the key to February. It’s a short month so plan on a two pound loss. Total cumulative weight loss: Seven pounds.

    March: The cruelest month of all. Plan on one pound, maybe none. Maintain the persistence gained in February. Don’t quit. Total cumulative weight loss: Eight pounds.

    April: Hope springs eternal with the onset of a new season. Spring rejuvenation. Five pounds for sure! Total cumulative weight loss: Thirteen pounds.

    May: Looking at all those summer catalogs helps inspiration and inspires success. Another five pounds. Total cumulative weight loss: Eighteen pounds

    June: Troubles are on the horizon brewing plentiful. Picnics, graduations, weddings offer an endless buffet of temptations. You can only be so strong. Two pound. Total cumulative weight loss: Twenty pounds.

    July: More picnics. One pound. Total cumulative weight loss: Twenty one pounds.

    August: More picnics and vacation. One pound. Total cumulative weight loss: Twenty two pounds.

    September: Another renewal month. Kids are back to school, summer is over, air is crisp so walks and hikes might be in order. Social gatherings and the tempting buffets are limited. Four pounds. Total cumulative weight loss: Twenty six pounds.

    October: Good month for weight loss except those awful Halloween treats. Come on, don’t buy that which you don’t need. Halloween is only one day. Remember, you have to walk an entire football field to work off one M&M, plain or peanut! Three pounds. Total cumulative weight loss: Twenty nine pounds.

    November: Okay, okay, Thanksgiving falls in November but hey, again, it’s only one day. One pound. Total 30lbs.
  2. The best doctors in town! I saved over $6000 in medication by following their advice

  3. The night time shin injury inducer lololol If that just wasn't true it would be hilarious!!!!!
    Don't let this happen to that exercise equipment you needed to have!!!!
  4. Choices!

    This is so important!!!! It is amazing when I think good things about myself how fast my posture improves!!!!

  5. Shirataki noodles are a great food to lose weight. They have ZERO calories and carbs, but loads of fiber. Imagine all the things you could do with these.

  7. "We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is 

The five stages of Weight loss

We are mad at ourselves. We are mad at others, especially those people who seem to be able to eat to their heart’s content without ever gaining an ounce. We are mad at the
world! Te best example is my sister, Lori. Every time we go to dinner she orders fettuccine alfredo, the most fattening thing on most menus. and her house is like a bakery.
Her pantry is filled with chips and cookies. I just couldn’t understand how she could stay so trim. If I had all the stuff in my house I would eat every bit of it. So I decided I would
try to eat like her and see what happened. I watched her eat the fettuccine alfredo and noticed she played with it more than she ate it. I am sure at the end of the meal she only consumed a half a cup, and she can actually eat just one cookie. It is a gift. the gift she possesses is portion control. There is nothing you “can’t” eat if you have just one portion.
So, at the end of the day, the fork is in our hand.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The night time shin injury inducer lololol If that just wasn't true it would be hilarious!!!!!
Don't let this happen to that exercise equipment you needed to have!!!!
Of coarse I know the way, I ate the crumbs!!!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Girl Scout Cookies seem to be everywhere so I thought we should know that calorie count.
4 Thin Mints-160 cals
2 Lemon Cookies-120 cals
2 Somoas-150 clas
2 Peanut Butter Patties-150 cals
Food for thought! Are they worth it?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Treat yourself Like Company
Let's face it, we love to eat. So why is it that we eat standing up or in the car or anywhere
that is not really conducive to enjoying our food. So I say treat yourself like you would
1. Use a table cloth and cloth napkins (go green without paper).
2. Drink from a fancy glass.
3. Use smaller plates and bowls.
4. Flowers if possible.
5. Candles.
6. Involve others.
7. try new foods.
8. Have a few courses. a salad or soup will fill you up so you aren’t apt to eat too much.
One of my members used this idea with her daughter one night. ey didn’t have
fresh flowers so they used plastic ones and they didn’t have candles so they used their
“emergency” one. e daughter was so happy to have a “fancy” dinner that she took it
upon herself to make sure the table looked nice every time she and her mother sat down
for a meal. It is just nice
this is so true!!! If you wear a size 12 or over, you are outta luck at lots of stores.
You can always go back and take more to eat but you can never go back and take less!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I am sorry to say I have thought this!!!! lolol

Mozzarella sticks- use egg roll wrappers and string cheese. Baked not fried :) Bake at 350 for 15-20min. You can also use refried beans and salsa and make them Mexican style! These egg roll wrappers are so versatile!!! What else can we put in them?
Indoor Grilled Salmon Skewers! Cut raw salmon into cubes and alternate salmon with cherry tomatoes, yellow peppers, and onions on wooden skewers. Marinate for 20 min in 1TB ketchup, garlic, cayenne pepper, and salt. Put top rack in the oven (6" from the top). Broil for 3 minutes then turn and broil for additional 3 minutes.
Breakfast muffins. Pour egg into a greased cupcake pan, then add toppings like - mushrooms, veggies, and meat, turkey. Bake them in the oven at 375-degrees for 30 minutes and let them cool. Pop them into plastic bags so that you can grab them easily in the morning.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The steps of weight loss
Usually I could come up with dozens of reason why I Couldn't lose weight “I’m big boned, it's genetic,” “my mother, father and grandparents were all over weight and struggled most of their lives with health issues associated with obesity.” I, too suffered with health issues like high cholesterol, sleep apnea, acid reflux, and high blood pressure.
and don’t talk to me about slow metabolism.
Slow metabolism leading to obesity and weight gain is about as rare as leprosy. Don't we always get our thyroid gland checked to make sure we don't have a thyroid problem and we are always a little disappointed when the results reveal our thyroid glands are working just fine. My personal favorite denial is, “I just love food.” That's what I told myself, “I just love to eat.” Well, who doesn't? There is almost always a reason we are overeating. I know that there are many reasons we are trying to soothe ourselves with food. Stress, sorrow, anger, disappointments even good times and celebrations can cause overeating. The most ironic celebration is when we actually reach our healthy weight and celebrate by going out to dinner. We think that whatever
is wrong in our lives might be fixed by overeating. Its our go to remedy. I remember a story where a little boy skinned his knee and was crying. after cleaning and bandaging
the wound, his mother gave him two cookies and told the boy that the cookies would make it better. after a little while the boy said the cookies didn't work. He hadn’t eaten
the cookies; he had placed them on his knee over the bandage. Even that little boy knew that food wasn’t the answer.
I know that there are circumstances for many of us that an occasional binge is just going to happen.
I have had three major binges and many small ones since I reached my goal weight. That is a definite success for me because most days before I started to lose weight
were binge days.
Denial can last for years and years. It did with me. It doesn’t have to with you.
ALERT*** Just got this alert from a friend. Check your shampoo bottle label. I don't know why I didn't figure this out sooner!! When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body and (duh!!!) printed very clearly on the shampoo label is...this warning...FOR EXTRA VOLUME AND BODY!! NO wonder I have been gaining weight!! Well, I have gotten rid of the shampoo and I am going to start using Dawn dish soap instead. The label reads: DISSOLVES FAT THAT IS OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO REMOVE. Problem solved!! Pass this on to friends that need a laugh
I have a pair of gray jeans that I am just waiting to get into. I leave them hanging right on my closet door so I see them every day. They remind me to eat sensibly and get some exercise. It is the only way I can get into those jeans. AND I mean to by spring!!!! How about you? Do you have something special you want to be able to wear by spring? What is it?
"Begin to live as though your prayers have already been answered" - Anthony Robbins
I was thinking about this quote and when I looked back at the last 2 years, I realized many of my prayers have been answered but I wasn't taking the time to enjoy them. Never being satisfied, even for a moment, at an accomplishment. I just don't think we give ourselves enough credit for just getting thru the day sometimes, let alone recognizing the strides we have made moving ourselves forward. Just for today, give ourself a little credit for trying our best! AND as a precautionary thought, if you pray for riches, don't live like that prayer has been answered lolol

93 lbs later

Before my 93 lb weight loss

Before my 93 lb weight loss