Thursday, December 9, 2010

 A trainer at the gym told me about interval training, again!, but I usually ignore his sage advice and do it MY way. Well, today I decided to try it!  3 min on eliptical at a regular pace and then 20secs as hard as I can. I can tell you it was quite a workout and I felt great after. It made me concentrate on what I was doing rather than read or watch tv, which I usually do to past the time. But this way, I have to concentrate on the timer and my body. You can feel every muscle. the trainer said this kind of training keeps your metabolism moving for longer period of time. so you are burning more calories after one of these type of workout. Hooray!


  1. I gradually get up to my highest speed and then I stay there for as long as i could and then I keep going up and down throughout the workout.

  2. I guess when you stop working up a sweat, you need to change it up!!!


93 lbs later

Before my 93 lb weight loss

Before my 93 lb weight loss