Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Step #1 of Weight Loss

The steps of weight loss
Usually I could come up with dozens of reason why I Couldn't lose weight “I’m big boned, it's genetic,” “my mother, father and grandparents were all over weight and struggled most of their lives with health issues associated with obesity.” I, too suffered with health issues like high cholesterol, sleep apnea, acid reflux, and high blood pressure and don’t talk to me about slow metabolism. Slow metabolism leading to obesity and weight gain is about as rare as leprosy. Don't we always get our thyroid gland checked to make sure we don't have a thyroid problem and we are always a little disappointed when the results reveal our thyroid glands are working just fine. My personal favorite denial is, “I just love food.” That's what I told myself, “I just love to eat.” Well, who doesn't? There is almost always a reason we are overeating. I know that there are many reasons we are trying to soothe ourselves with food. Stress, sorrow, anger, disappointments even good times and celebrations can cause overeating. The most ironic celebration is when we actually reach our healthy weight and celebrate by going out to dinner. We think that whatever is wrong in our lives might be fixed by overeating. Its our go to remedy. I remember a story where a little boy skinned his knee and was crying. after cleaning and bandaging the wound, his mother gave him two cookies and told the boy that the cookies would make it better. after a little while the boy said the cookies didn't work. He hadn’t eaten the cookies; he had placed them on his knee over the bandage. Even that little boy knew that food wasn’t the answer.

I know that there are circumstances for many of us that an occasional binge is just going to happen.
I have had three major binges and many small ones since I reached my goal weight. That is a definite success for me because most days before I started to lose weight
were binge days.
Denial can last for years and years. It did with me. It doesn’t have to with you.

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93 lbs later

Before my 93 lb weight loss

Before my 93 lb weight loss