Friday, December 24, 2010


Just a few tips for the Holidays
Drink lots of water
Don't go hungry
Use a samll plate
Take just enough, remember they are not taking the food away
Concentrate on who you are with, not the food
Pass on the butter, you have gravy lol
NO elastic waist pants!
 Here is a little reminder video, an oldie but a goodie!
Have a wonderful holiday!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

 A trainer at the gym told me about interval training, again!, but I usually ignore his sage advice and do it MY way. Well, today I decided to try it!  3 min on eliptical at a regular pace and then 20secs as hard as I can. I can tell you it was quite a workout and I felt great after. It made me concentrate on what I was doing rather than read or watch tv, which I usually do to past the time. But this way, I have to concentrate on the timer and my body. You can feel every muscle. the trainer said this kind of training keeps your metabolism moving for longer period of time. so you are burning more calories after one of these type of workout. Hooray!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

'Banking' my Calories

I try hard during the week to 'save' as many calories as I can for the weekend, especially during the holidays. There is no way I can stay at a healthy weight if I don't do this. It is not to hard during the week to 'bank' my cals but on the weekends-can't do it-

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Feelings and Eating.

I find it hard to not go back to old habits when things get tough. I always used food to comfort me and now that I don't have that-or shouldn't-I find it very difficult to cope.  What can we do to make myself feel good without food to help? Alot of us must have had times likes this. You know, stress, anger, boredom, lonliness, it is all part of our lives at times. Even happiness can set off a major binge, cuz then that would be celebrating. How did you handle it?

Monday, December 6, 2010


Here is my new business card. Please call for times and dates of classes to start in January! We are going to have a lot of fun getting into the best shape of our lives!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Whole Wheat Pitas

I have used Whole Wheat low cal pitas for crackers but just discovered how good they are for dessert. I sprayed them with Pam butter spray and then put cinnamon and splenda on them-spray after you do that too and bake till crisp. Then I used Comstock sugar free cherry pie filling (heated) as a dip. It is so delicious and satifying. Do you have any low cal desserts for us?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I was just thinking, how did everybody do over the holiday weekend? I have to say, I had a few minor-lol-falls. Like too much wine and too many cookies. No one is perfect. How'd you do?

I love Crackers

I just made pita chips using a whole Wheat Pita-90 calories each I separate the pita then I spray them with olive oil Pam and then put a bunch of spices on them. You have to cook them in a hot oven so they get nice and crisp-just like a cracker. If you are a cracker person, like me, this is the replacement-Eat this not that sort of idea. You can use skinny cow cheese to spread on them. HHmmmmmmm delicious!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


With Thanksgiving just around the corner I thought we could all use a little help staying in control
1.Don't go hungry
2.Exercise 1st thing in AM. Get that metabolism moving
3.Use a small plate remember you can always go back and take more but you can never go back and take less
4.Pass on the butter, you have gravy!
5.Concentrate on the people you are spending the holiday with
6.Move from the table ASAP without being rude
7.Bank some calories Mon, Tues and Wed. You know you can.
8.Drink LOTS of water!
9.NO elastic waist pants
10.Remember it's a hoi-DAY not a holi-WEEK

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Are you a
Meal skipper
Night eater
Fast eater
busy eater
secret eater

What are your patterns and how have you adapted them to your weight loss goals. I am a night eater so I have to save most of my calories for after 5. that is how I adapted. Your turn.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

M & Ms

You have the walk the length of one football field to work off one M & M. OMG! two football fields for a peanut M& M.


Most people worry about what they eat between Thanksgiving and New Years when they really should be concerned with what they eat between New years and Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into and hard to get out of. Let's get out of that bed! What are you willing to do this week to move forward?
If you think taking care of yourself is selfish, change your mind.
If you don't, you are simply ducking your responsibilities.
 Ann Richards said that and she was so right.
I find that on the days that I put myself last on the to-do list, I get frustrated and the only thing that will make me feel better is food. AND we know that is not true. So take time for yourself every day. You can't take care of others needs till you take care of yours.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Did you know that one bagel is like having 7 slices of bread!!!!! Let's not even talk about cream cheese!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

This is a cartoon from Randy Glasbergen

The Problem with Speaking English:
Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.
Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.
Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.
Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.
Germans drink beer and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.
CONCLUSION: Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently what kills you.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Planning and preparing meals in advance

Today is my day off and I am planning and preparing my meals for the rest of the week. I roasted a bunch of different veggies for side dishes, salads, omelets or on sandwiches. Peppers, onions, eggplant and squash. I put some chicken and salmon in marinade and when the veggies are done I will cook the chick and salmon. There is something so nice about knowing when I get home tomorrow night from work, dinner will be ready for me and it will be healthy. I think I deserve it.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Emotional eating

If hunger is not the problem, then eating isn't the solution. I have to say that this a hard one. Sometimes eating is the only answer to me but since I have learned,the hard way, that eating never solved any of my problems, binge eating happens rarer. How about you? How can you get emotional eating under control?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Eggplant Parm

This is so easy and so delish! To make it light, simply bake the eggplant instead of frying and use lite mozzarella cheese. That is the only difference and everyone loves it. The best part is the sandwich I will be able to have tomorrow night when I get home from work.
Eggplant Parm yummmy

Saturday, October 23, 2010


OMg I just failed on all accounts. It is so difficult to stay on track! I refuse to beat myself up, I just need to get back on track!


I will do anything to put off going to the gym this morning!!!!!! The other day it took me 3 hours to get out of the house to go work out. Exercise is the one thing that keeps me sane and yet still I fight it.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Before and After

By perserverance the snail reached the Ark. I don't know who said that but I know I am the snail!

Big beginnings, (happy little endings)

Welcome to my blog. I am happy to share my journey to well-being. Seven years ago my life long dysfuctional relationship with food was killing me. Today life is a banquet, a rich experience of food, fitness and friendship. Please visit my blog again for  recipes, exercise tips and community.

93 lbs later

Before my 93 lb weight loss

Before my 93 lb weight loss