Wednesday, December 8, 2010

'Banking' my Calories

I try hard during the week to 'save' as many calories as I can for the weekend, especially during the holidays. There is no way I can stay at a healthy weight if I don't do this. It is not to hard during the week to 'bank' my cals but on the weekends-can't do it-


  1. I am banking my calories all week as well! You'd be surprised how 100 calories here and there add up! I'm over that. Concentrating on calories really makes you ask yourself "Is it really worth it?" I'd much rather have the extra glasses of wine on the weekend! LOL!

  2. And did I ever have those extra glasses of wine this weekend! I'd rather starve all week long than deprive myself of a buzz! LOL!


93 lbs later

Before my 93 lb weight loss

Before my 93 lb weight loss