Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I was just thinking, how did everybody do over the holiday weekend? I have to say, I had a few minor-lol-falls. Like too much wine and too many cookies. No one is perfect. How'd you do?


  1. I would say I did okay. I will also say that I will think twice before I get in to the whole " I'll start in January" frame of mind over Christmas and New Years break. And I am going to exercise at home while I take a forced break from my gym! NIce pic!

  2. We put too much emphasis on January. As if that is the magic month when all things we have been wanting to do to make ourselves healthier will magically be done. Let's try not to do that this year. Let's not make promises to ourselves that we cannot fulfill. It sets us up for failure.


93 lbs later

Before my 93 lb weight loss

Before my 93 lb weight loss