Sunday, January 6, 2013

Treat yourself Like Company
Let's face it, we love to eat. So why is it that we eat standing up or in the car or anywhere
that is not really conducive to enjoying our food. So I say treat yourself like you would
1. Use a table cloth and cloth napkins (go green without paper).
2. Drink from a fancy glass.
3. Use smaller plates and bowls.
4. Flowers if possible.
5. Candles.
6. Involve others.
7. try new foods.
8. Have a few courses. a salad or soup will fill you up so you aren’t apt to eat too much.
One of my members used this idea with her daughter one night. ey didn’t have
fresh flowers so they used plastic ones and they didn’t have candles so they used their
“emergency” one. e daughter was so happy to have a “fancy” dinner that she took it
upon herself to make sure the table looked nice every time she and her mother sat down
for a meal. It is just nice

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93 lbs later

Before my 93 lb weight loss

Before my 93 lb weight loss